Longneck Village & Mae Hong Son

Padaung village, Mae Hong Son, Thailand – 2003. We spent a couple of days in Mae Hong Son visiting friends and drove up into the hills to visit the Padaung hill tribal village (Longnecks)
You must leave the main road to get to the Padaung hill tribal village.
Military Checkpoint on the road to the Padaung hill tribe village.
A longneck woman
A girl weaving a scarf
The ladies in the village make their living by weaving scarves and making other handicrafts
Two young girls and their mother in their shop
A longneck girl
Sweeping the dirt
A child playing on the road
Padaung hill tribe village, Thailand
A village elder with her two grand daughters
A young girl with her baby sister
Shower time
After the shower
Military checkpoint prior to Myanmar border.
The main (only) road through the village
Mountain top Wat in Mae Hong Son
Bus stop at hill top temple, Mae Hong Son
Mae Hong Son
Temple and lake in central Mae Hong Son